Dr. Simon Order

Simon’s role as the media consultant for Ability Heroes, brings many threads of his diverse and exciting career together, offering passionate and critical contributions to the team. Simon’s role includes media and communications advisor, content producer – podcast, technical writer, audio, photography and talent – interviewer, music producer, producer.

His extensive background in the media and communications industry, tertiary education, academic research, the not-for-profit sector, and stakeholder engagement coalesce a vibrant and diverse mix of skills rarely available in one human being.

Simon is a polymath by nature, always happy synthesizing data, media, ideas and potential to produce innovative and creative outcomes.

Simon is a highly creative academic and industry practitioner in the fields community policy, public policy, communications, broadcast media, sound, radio, and creative media; responsive to new disciplinary ideas and technologies; always looking to enhance project success within an educational and industry environment.

Simon Order Professional Publications and Industry Collaborations

Professional Communications

Order, Simon. 2020. Quarantine Takeover, Radio WLOY, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. (29th September 2020)


Order, Simon and John Diliberto (16 January 2019), “Enter the dreams of Liminal Drifter the Aussie electronic persona of Dr. Simon Order. The Doctor is in. Start dreaming when we talk with Liminal Drifter tonight on Echoes.org“. PBS Radio Interview, USA. Listen here. Read here

Order, Simon and KMSC Dragon Radio (26th November 2018), The Dreams Inspiration”. Live radio interview – New Music show- KMSC Dragon Radio, Minnesota, USA.

Order, Simon and Sandy Marwick, (20 July 2018), The Dreams Interview, Western Oz, 89.7FM Twin Cities, Perth Listen here

Order, Simon and Michael Barker (12 April 2018) Fremantle Shipping News – Magazine Interview/Podcast, “Electronic Music and Liminal Drifter”


Order, Simon and Elicia Petite 2016 (September 16) Liminal Drifter – Technology, Troubled Mystic, Hidden Shoal Anniversary Remix and Second LD album. “Artist Interviews”, Pirate 88 Radio


Order Simon and Fred Sim 2015 (October 10) Liminal Drifter- Troubled Mystic album release: Radio Interview. RTRFM Artificial Intelligence and Morning Magazine programs.


Order, Simon. 2014. “Murdoch University re-images a career in Radio”, Radioinfo.


Order, Simon and Geraldine Alphonse, (1 July 2018), Tickles Show, Radio Fremantle. Listen here. Read Here

Order, Simon and Brayden Edwards(12 June 2018), LIMINAL DRIFTER Dreams become reality. Express Magazine, online interview, Perth.

Order, Simon and Caitlin Nienaber (28th June 2018) The Dreams of Liminal Drifter. Breakfast Radio Interview, RTRFM, Perth. Feature album of the Week. Listen here

Order, Simon and HHhappy (25 June 2018), Transcribing the space in between: a chat with Fremantle-based producer Liminal Drifter. Online interview with Happy Mag, Sydney, Australia.

Order, Simon and Taylah Strano (9th September 2017) Breakfast – RTRFM, Perth, Radio Interview, The Night Train Vacancies, album release (NTRO)


Order, Simon and Sophie Comber 2017 (March 9th) The Wire (CRN Adelaide) Radio Interview- About “Community Radio and the Joy of Social Connection Report”


Order, Simon and Roger Broadbent 2017 (June 16th 0900). The Brighter Side – Radio Eastern FM, Melbourne, Radio Interview -About “Community Radio and the Joy of Social Connection Report”.


Order Simon and Tom Laird 2015 (October 26) Liminal Drifter – The Making of Troubled Mystic: Radio Interview. “Fade to Yellow” Program, KOOP Radio, Austin, Texas.


Order Simon and Tanya Bunter 2015 (20 August) Community Radio Research & RTRFM: Radio Interview. RTRFM 92.1 Morning Magazine.


Order, Simon and Brian Daya. 2014 (15 May) Community Radio and the Commission of Audit: Radio Interview. Edited by Brian Daya. Radio Fremantle

Order, Simon and Hui Lin. Tan. 2014 (11th March). Community Radio and Value: Radio Interview. Edited by Hui Lin Tan. 6EBA Radio Station Perth

Consultancies/Grants/Industry Publications

Sturgess, Kylie, Order, Simon. (2021), Design specifications for an online audio-arts learning platform virtuoso. PhD internship collaboration with Cinglevue. $20,000. Cinglevue PhD internship research programme.

Order, Simon., Phillips, Gail., O’Mahony, Lauren., Sturgess, Kylie. (2021), ‘The vision impaired as a radio audience: meeting their audio needs in the 21st century’, Journal of Radio and Audio Media. (in press) $5,000 School Arts, Murdoch University.

Order, Simon and Stuart Reid (2018) RTRFM Perth/West Australian Council for Social Services (WACOSS), Social Impact Study of Community Radio (RTRFM). Read here $15,000 WACOSS/RTRFM.

Order, Simon. Community Radio: The Joy of Social Connection. Consultancy Report. (August 2017). $15,000, Community Broadcasting Foundation (CBF)


Order, Simon. (2015), ‘ICreate’: Preliminary usability testing of apps for the music technology classroom, Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 12 (4). $2,000 School of Arts, Murdoch University.

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