Josef Hewber

Experienced project developer, skilled trainer, human resource planner, and critical decision maker with highly developed public and customer relations skills and experience in dealing with government representatives and department structures.

Creative thinker with practical time management skills, ability to prioritise, delegate tasks and manage workflow.

Comfortable with diverse responsibilities, multi-tasking and dealing with challenges.

Skilled negotiator and human resource planner, experience working with the media and the public.

Extensive retail management experience in the grocery, rural supply, and motor industry.

A fortunate, diverse, and eventful life offered the opportunity to accumulate valuable firsthand knowledge, overcome diversity, and develop emotional intelligence.

Councillor Shire of Tammin – 13 years, Member of Central Region Development Committee – 6 years.

Founder Member of the Tammin Action Group (TAG), Community Company Farmdale Pty Ltd, Avon Community Development Foundation, and others.

Initiator: “Agriculture Towards 2000”, “Tammin Landcare Expo”, “Tammin Land Care Education Centre”.

Writer/director/producer of: “Opinionata”, Kimberley my Son”, “The Journey of Mr Odd”, and CDs.

Thesis Author: “Assessment of the benefits of supporting a diversity of performance art in the Western Australia’s Central Wheatbelt”, and “The effects of light and sound vibrations on human wellbeing”.

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