Luke Mathews

G’day, I’m Luke.
I’ve lived experience of disability. I grew up alongside a half blind brother and gran. Oh, the number of times you could hide in an open doorway down the hallway or pull pranks the way kids do. I thought it was hilariously entertaining. Living alongside disability shaped me.

I’ve seen my gran go from mostly good days, when her Rheumatoid arthritis was under control; having fun running her wheelchair around the zoo, teasing her to let her roll down the hill… and laughing afterward – to being a shell in pain every day.

Today, I am living with limitations. I have chronic pain, anxiety, and am neurodiverse.

Motivated and energised at an Ability Heroes Enable Network meeting, I started sharing my experience with Adam. Where public places are disability compliant according to standards, though not accessible.

Adam then shared similar experiences. After a few coffee meetings, discussing ideas, visions, and goals. Hear I am!

I’m bringing public infrastructure experience.

I have two goals

Getting all levels of government to commit to fixing uneven service pits displaced within the footpath.

Sharing wisdom with engineers to walk and talk and think like disabled people when creating public places.

Wish me luck.